About Us
Unfortunately, too few patients are informed of “breakthrough” therapy approaches (i.e. treatment in 5 days or less) and/or the newest equipment to target your tumor more precisely thereby, decreasing damage to your healthy, surrounding tissue.
Education and increased awareness of all radiation treatment options is the primary goal of 5D’s staff of nurses and board-certified Radiation Oncologists. Our national footprint will assist you in the referral process to sites of excellence for your radiation cancer care. Everyone deserves THE BEST!
Empowering cancer patients through knowledge.
Our services include:
Radiation Doctor’s review of your cancer’s status - are you a candidate for 1 week of therapy?
Identification of facilities for “leading edge” radiation treatment delivery being offered locally, regionally and nationwide.
A recorded copy of your discussion with our Radiation Oncologist regarding the logistics, anticipated outcomes and typical side effects of radiotherapy.
Navigation services and if desired, scheduling of a consultation with a treating facility best matched to your needs, your cancer type and, your geographic location.
Meet the Founder
Ritchie N. Stevens completed his residency program in Radiation Oncology at the University of California, Irvine, working alongside the world renowned brachytherapist, Dr. Nisar Syed, and physicians at the City of Hope Medical Center in Duarte, CA.
For 3 decades, his services within the Radiation Oncology field in Southern Nevada remained a dominant force, particularly with prostate and gynecologic malignancies. However, his interests became increasingly focused on embracing technological advancements which have produced superior outcomes, diminished side effects and shortened treatment times.
Always a proponent for patient education, awareness and convenience, Dr. Stevens retired from clinical practice after 32 years to start 5D Radiotherapy with a goal of creating improved exposure and access to advanced radiation therapies for greater numbers of patients. His new position allows him to further the already established momentum of hypofractionation (fewer radiation sessions) and “patient centered” cancer destroying approaches; ultimately improving one’s chances for beating cancer with less side effects.
Ritchie N. Stevens M.D.