MRI guided Radiation Therapy (MRgRT)
Accurate therapy demands the best imaging techniques. Elekta’s Unity system incorporates Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanning technology for more precise targeting of a cancer with radiation beams and thereby, decreasing “collateral” injury to your body’s healthy tissues (intestine, bladder,rectum, etc.).
Similarly, “real time tracking” of a cancer position during a radiation treatment itself insures the greatest chance of tumor cure. See how the Unity system by Elekta accomplishes these critical features with unmatched imaging quality and their “Comprehensive Motion Management (CMM)” capability.
Biology-guided Radiation Therapy (BgRT)
Using a cancer cell’s own metabolism as a signal for beam targeting represents a new and unique way of delivering radiation therapy. SCINTIX therapy developed by RefleXion has been awarded FDA Clearance for both early stage and distant metastatic disease. This brings new hope to individuals suffering from advanced disease who are looking for an alternative to continued chemotherapy. Please visit the link below to learn more about this groundbreaking and cutting-edge modality!
Brachytherapy/Radioactive Seed Implantation
One of the original radiation therapies (early 1900s), Brachytherapy or “radioactive seed implantation” has evolved into an effective and efficient method for achieving cancer cures. It involves the placement of radioactive pellets or “seeds” into, or nearby, tumors in various parts of the body. Seeds can be placed either permanently or temporarily and like MRgRT and BgRT, radiation dose is more tightly focused around a cancer. The result is high cure rates and less side effects. Brachytherapy is most commonly used in prostate and gynecologic malignancies, although can also be employed in liver, brain and lung cancers.